Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Installing PIL on a Mac

After much torment, and many failures, PIL is now installed. And, it is embarrassing just how simple it ended up being. I'm leaving this here so when I move to my next dev box, I don't spend three days figuring out again.

At the time of this writing, I was running OSX 10.8.2 but I'm sure this will work on earlier versions and probably subsequent versions for some time.

1. Open Terminal
2. Type: sudo easy_install pip
3. Type: sudo pip install PIL

Thanks to klobucar at StackOverflow for his answer regarding installing PIP.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Updates Posted to the Classic ASP VBScript OAuth Library

There's been a bit of drama over at the Classic ASP VBScript OAuth board regarding twitter's recent API URL changes.  All is well now as the project has been updated and a new example project zip uploaded.

Essentially, it boils down to some Constant URL changes in one of the files. You can read more about it and download the latest version at the Classic ASP VBScript OAuth site.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Delete all pyc files

Scenario: You've just pushed a slew of compiled python files 
1. Terminal into your project directory
2. Enter: 'find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete;' (without the quotes)
3. Add a .gitignore file to the root of your project with '*.pyc' as its content
4. Re-push the project